The Silver Fern Kilt is exclusive to Askival of Strathearn and celebrates the connection that Scotland has with many parts of the world – A recognition of kin ship; of shared people through migration, of a connection over the many miles; a recognition of origin.
Askival of Strathearn designs unique tartan weaves incorporating the emblems and artwork of other nations representing the joint heritage of the individual. The weaves are crafted into bespoke kilts to provide a unique kilt, not just for formal engagements but designed for life, to last a lifetime, and beyond as a cherished heirloom.
There are two constructions each made by the craftsman and made to measure to accommodate the different budgets – The Eternal Kilt (£1500), and the Enduring Kilt (£750).
The Eternal Kilt – the ultimate quality, think Saville Row. Hand tailored as crafted by the Highland regiment master tailors of the past – totally handstitched, tailored, future proofed, and with bespoke detail. £1500
The quality of tailoring in your Eternal Origin Kilt complies with the Askival of Strathearn Quality Standards. The Enduring Kilt complies with the Kilt Maker’s Association of Scotland (KMAS) Standards and most of Askival of Strathearn Quality Standards.